
Tuesday, 24 January 2012

A Little something special

I just wanted to share this with anyone who might visit this unusual spot.

Not only is the art created here beautiful, but the actions of the artist and the story of the art is beautiful too.

So, enjoy....

Thursday, 19 January 2012


This will only be a short one,

But I thought it quite important.

Just to explain why I'm here, on this blog, and what it means to me. The instigating factor was that my current course, an art foundation at Swansea Met, has massively given my creative energy a well needed kick up the bum. As a result, everyone on my course is currently constructing, organising and selling themselves through their portfolios, to prospective universities. However, as I've already been to uni I'm not applying, but felt I too needed to start marketing myself as a creative being.

I love art, its more and more becoming a part of my daily routine, my pocket sketchbook is slowly filling up and my brain is slowly being converted into an analytical machine for anything visual or aesthetically challenging (as a result of a previous project I've become obsessed with plastic bottles. You wouldn't believe how beautiful they really are if you looked properly. Fanta bottles are my tastes good too).

So I've also started to become proud of my work and here I'll share a little of what I've done, what I'm working on and things that inspire me.

As for poetry... Its still something I wish I could get my head round so this will also be a space for practice :) Consequently anyone who does read this will have to suffer some seriously questionable attempts to manipulate the written word. Please bear with me. I'll try and disguise my scribbles as best I can. I also won't call them poems but something more along the lines of miniature glimpses into the unusual spaces between my rather small ears.

Much love x

Swansea Swansea Swansea....

I took a little break from running the lovely flat coast path round to mumbles and cycled out to Bracelet bay, chasing the sunset. I'd wanted to get round to Langland but didn't leave enough time before darkness descended. In the mean time here are a few snaps I captured before the sunlight disappeared and I had to scramble across the cliffs in the darkness....

Apologies for poor quality I was pretty cold and couldn't help but shake...

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


I thought it about time to join the blogging world to send my creations and musings out in to cyber space. I took this photo on my way home from uni and it gave me a little lift on a day when I thought I was losing affection for Swansea. Clearly there are still surprises to be found here.