It's been a fairly chilled weekend again, I'm gearing up for a busy May by taking it slow for the end of April. The weather has been rather more miserable again at the end of this week, so I've avoided too much outdoor adventuring. Instead I've had tea with friends, whilst learning to embroider (pictures to follow when I've finished something!), film watching and today's highlight The Duck Race. Great fun! Although a little windy today it was still brilliant! And I had the pleasure of hanging out with some Alpacas too (one day I'll have one of my own!). Also this wonderful event organised by Faringdon & District Rotary Club raised over £4000 for charity! Another good reason to stand outside cheering for ducks all day!
4500 ducks dropped from a digger for a 200 metre race speeding away from the start line.
A few break away ducks take the lead.
At the bend the poor ducks took on a head wind...
And the race was opened up. Genuinely, super exciting!!
And the winning duck was number 362... sadly not one of our ducks ours were numbered up in the 3000s!
But the real ones were ever cuter than our yellow racers!
Alpacas. Are. Amazing.
This guy actually danced for carrots. Smart little pony right there.
Kune Kune pigs. Super cute. Super smelly.